Its 93 miles or 150 km from San Diego to Huntington Beach which takes about 1 hour 35 minutes to drive. The total driving time is 1 hour 35 minutes.
What is the distance between San Diego AND Huntington Beach.
How far is huntington beach from san diego. Get a quick answer. Its 93 miles or 150 km from San Diego to Huntington Beach which takes about 1 hour 35 minutes to drive. San Diego and Huntington Beach are 1 hour 34 mins far apart if you drive non-stop.
This is the fastest route from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA. The halfway point is Camp Pendleton CA. San Diego CA and Huntington Beach CA are in the same time zone PDT.
Current time in both locations is 1209 am. Distance between San Diego and Huntington Beach is 131 kilometers 81 miles. Driving distance from San Diego to Huntington Beach is 151 kilometers 94 miles.
How far is Huntington Beach California from San Diego California. The driving distance is 93 miles. How far is it from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA.
Its a 01 hours 38 minutes drive by car. Flight distance is approximately 81 miles 131 km and flight time from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA is 09 minutes. The total driving distance from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA is 93 miles or 150 kilometers.
Your trip begins in San Diego California. It ends in Huntington Beach California. Yes the driving distance between San Diego to Huntington Beach is 93 miles.
It takes approximately 1h 38m to drive from San Diego to Huntington Beach. How many miles is San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA. The distance between San Diego CA and Huntington Beach CA is 94 mi by car.
The travel time is 1 hour and 42 minutes. The total driving distance from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA is 93 miles or 150 kilometers. Your trip begins in Huntington Beach California.
It ends in San Diego California. The distance between Huntington Beach and San Diego is 82 miles. The road distance is 937 miles.
What is the distance between San Diego AND Huntington Beach. The distance between San Diego and Huntington Beach in a straight line is 81 miles or 13033 Kilometers. Driving Directions Drive Times from San Diego to Huntington Beach can be found further down the page.
Driving distances maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems. Book a vacation to San Diego CA. Distance from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA.
The total driving distance from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA is 93milesor 150kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA is 81miles. What is the distance between Huntington Beach AND San Diego.
The distance between Huntington Beach and San Diego in a straight line is 81 miles or 13033 Kilometers. Driving Directions Drive Times from Huntington Beach to San Diego can be found further down the page. Driving distances maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping.
How far is San-Diego from the equator and on what hemisphere is it. San-Diego is 226041 mi 363778 km north of the equator so it is located in the northern hemisphere. 847850 mi 1364483 km.
Huntington Beach Orange Garden Grove. Driving time from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA How long is the drive from Huntington Beach CA to San Diego CA. The total driving time is 1 hour 35 minutes.
Driving time from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA. How long is the drive from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA. The total driving time is 1 hour 35 minutes.
Your trip begins in San Diego California. The straight line distance between San Diego and Huntington Beach is 132 kilometers. Travel time from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA.
Yes the driving distance between Huntington Beach to San Diego Airport SAN is 94 miles. It takes approximately 1h 39m to drive from Huntington Beach to San Diego Airport SAN. Yes the driving distance between Huntington Beach to San Diego Zoo is 92 miles.
It takes approximately 1h 38m to drive from Huntington Beach to San Diego Zoo. Calculate the driving distance and total travel time from San Diego to Huntington Beach by car if youre planning a road trip. Get driving directions from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA.
Compare the flight distance to driving distance from San Diego CA to Huntington Beach CA. Huntington beach vs San Diego. It depends on what you want to do and see.
It is hard to compare a city of 200000 with one of over 1000000. There is obviously more to do in San Diego but if all you want is a nice beach and you are on the Beach in Huntington then it. For the San Diego way point I started the distance at the mouth of Mission Bay jetty because thats where my boat is docked.
If you are starting your journey from San Diego Bay instead of Mission Bay then add 7 nautical miles onto each distance or for calculating time required for each journey add 15 hours if in a 30 ft sailboat. Ribbons of oil from the massive spill off the coast of Huntington Beach are making their way south towards San Diego County beaches prompting county officials to take preventative measures to.